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Here you can find info about all start screen of macintosh computers!

all problems startup mac

all problems startup mac

If your iMac, macbook won’t start up to OS X System, use this info to understand why, and some of the problems can be fixed by reset of SMC.

At the ene of the page, you can find our details to have private suppot.

Loading bar or loading circle

This is the most common issues with apple computers. The mac is loading, loading…and nothing happend. Or, after loading 1-3 min, do restart again!

loading line stuck

Loading bar

On oldest ver like (10.5-10.9) there is no line bar. There is “loading circle”.

If your mac 1-2 years old, probably the issue in the OS X. Maybe corrupted update was installed or some apps damage system files.

If your mac 4-6 years old, probably the hard drive have issue and need to be replaced.

Safe Mode

When OS X load into safe mode status, there is very big bar at start up.

safe mode osx

safe mode osx

Try to give the mac time to load (10-15 min), after do restart again.

this problem is similar to the first problem (loading bar).

If your mac new, need to format the system. If old, need to replace the HDD.

Folder with question mark icon

90% your drive got lost! I meant all data inside need to recover.

Need to replace to new Drive.

question mark folder icon

question mark folder icon

If you have macbook pro 2009-2012 (with dvd) – sometime need to replace the sata cable attached to mainboard and this fix the fault.

Recommended to shut down the mac and go to LAB!

Globus, World, Earth Icon

The mac don’t find any system and try to recover & install new one via internet.


globus icon

Shutdown you mac > start again, hold “alt” key.

If you drive existing, choose it. load into OS X > go to apple icon > click “system pre” > choose startup disk > choose your disk.

If can’t locate any drive, maybe have hardware issue of cable, drive.

No entrance icon

You will get this icon if you upgrade you OS X to new ver and your mac don’t support it!


no entrance apple

The data need to be backup & new to foramt and install new OS X (old ver).

If you have TimeMachine back up, you can attach it > restart your mac > Press “alt” key > load from TM drive > reinstall (recover) your old OS X.

If you don’t have, probably need to activate private support lab.

Firmware Code

The firmware code made by humen! this is not a magic or…ohh whats happend??!~!

mac locked firmware

mac locked firmware

You can’t unlocked you mac until you have the pass.

if you didn’t create it, try 0000 or 1234 or 1111 or 2222

To reset firmware pass means you need lab to hack it. it’s cost 200-400usd (WOW)

Mac have black Screen

if you mac power on, you hear the “gong” sound but black screen appear instead of apple logo.

Sometimes this is RAM Problem. Sometimes GPU problem.

black screen startup

black screen startup

Try to release all cables > press power button 10 time > bring back cables and turn on.

If you have laptop, shut down > open it (8 screws) > release the battery connector > press 10 times on P.Button > attach all and turn on.

another thing need to try, turn on > press Command + Alt + R + P > don’t release until you screen flash and restart 2 times (this is reset pram).

PIN Code

Pin code apear when the machine is stolen! need to enter 4 dig password.

pin code

pin code

usually you can find this password on Macbook pro, air.

Labs charge 250-500usd to unlock. depend of the model of your mac.

FileVault encryption

When FV in on, at the login sceen you will find another user or your user have gray color.



FileVault service is good only for developers or for someone want 100% file protection.

This service make you machine running slow. If you lost your “User Pass”, say goodbye to your DATA. If you don’t need it, go to “system preferences” > privacy > fileV > turn Off

Conclusion & Lab

Most of the problems happend becuase the hard drive need to be replaced! better to upgrade to SSD drive.

Better no to upgrade your OS X ver only if you really need it.

If you have pin code or firmware code, the hardware reset is expensive.

Mac-Repir (Israel) provide fix & repair services for apple machines. Contact us today

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